I’m Cool with the Cool

How do you feel about cold weather?

First: I’m so tired I am a little woozy and my whole body hurts. Why? No horse tumble! A combination of too much activity, poor form in entering a Jeep Wrangler (wrenched my back) and too much heat (and I just realized the air quality is bad due to Mexican fires).

Carlton got so tired from being glad to see us that he fell asleep on his beloved bone.

Second: though born and raised in the heat and humid of Florida, I never dealt well with heat. I didn’t sweat well, so I tended to get overheated and pass out. I ended up sorta enjoying the Illinois winters while I was there, and now I even choose to vacation in winter where it snows. (I do not like ice, ice storms, and feeding horses in almost sub-zero weather, however.)

Perhaps this day was too cold.

As for my day, I had a great morning hike between meetings and heard two new life birds, both warblers (America Redstart and Prothonotary Warbler). And thanks to keen observers who know my interests, I got to see a banded water snake in person and photos.

We’re glad to be home, though both Lee and I immediately did a lot of ranch chores upon arrival, which is why I got overheated. Lots of chicken and horse work had to be done, since it turns out, due to unforeseen circumstances, none got fed or medicated.

It turned the spotted ones into statues

Plus, the farrier came, so everyone had to be rounded up and dealt with. I’m happy with Drew’s behavior, though. Biting attempts were dealt with and he was great after that. Bonus: my new riding helmets arrived, and I’m excited to use them!

I’d hoped it would show up better, but Dusty has a mane now!

Think of us Texans as the lovely cool spring fades into memory and the months of Hades begin.

Author: Sue Ann (Suna) Kendall

The person behind The Hermits' Rest blog and many others. I'm a certified Texas Master Naturalist and love the nature of Milam County. I manage technical writers in Austin, help with Hearts Homes and Hands, a personal assistance service, in Cameron, and serve on three nonprofit boards. You may know me from La Leche League, knitting, iNaturalist, or Facebook. I'm interested in ALL of you!

2 thoughts on “I’m Cool with the Cool”

  1. I really don’t care for temperature extremes. I grew up around lake effect snows and now live with broiling summers (though Texas summers are a bit worse than Florida ones). I like nice 75 degree days, thankyouverymuch.

    I love seeing your photos of ranch life. In the statue picture, Apache and Fiona look so similar in their position and coloring!

    Liked by 1 person

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